REACH Program

REACH will provide a diverse experience, including high quality training, work experience, employment/personal supports, community outreach and development.

We will continue to work closely with all our community and program partners demonstrating a broad range of outcomes.

The program will focus on the skilled trades, but the “assets” gained through the program are broadly transferable and support personal life skills, well being and career exploration.

Anyone graduating from this program will be better equipped to apply for entry level construction jobs. Certificates received will be Working at Heights; WHIMIS, and First Aid. They will also receive an introduction to Health and Safety, plumbing, electrical, and general carpentry.


  • entry level, no previous experience required
  • open to youth (16 to 30 yrs)
  • legally allowed to work in Canada
  • out of full-time work
  • out of full-time school
  • facing some barriers to employment

Program Experience

There are 8 seats available per intake. The participants are paid current minimum wage for the entire program. Each intake is Mon to Fri @ 7 hrs per day for 24 weeks (there will be 6 intakes over the next 3 yrs). The programs are @ 20% classroom/workshop and @ 80% hands-on learning. Some additional financial supports are available for tools, PPE, transport, etc.

Skills and Certifications Gained

Industry Recognized Certifications in Health & Safety. Certificates of Completion in Construction Theory & Applied Trade Skills. Wksps in Financial Literacy, Personal Health & Wellbeing, Job Smarts, Teamwork, Communication, Customer Service, Job Search & Applications +++. Connect with School Boards for Adult Ed. Programs + credits towards OSSD. Connect with industry professionals, local trades & employers.

Contact NPH for additional information.